INSTRUCTIONS – The following are your instructions and some tips on how to complete the final.  The actual final template starts on page 3. 


Part I:

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Your parents are considering investing in PepsiCo, Inc. common stock. They ask you, as an accounting expert, to make an analysis of the company for them. Fortunately, excerpts from a current annual report of PepsiCo are presented in Appendix A of the textbook.


(a)    Make a 5-year trend analysis, using 2001 as the base year, of (1) net sales and (2) net income. 


(The Trend should be reported in percentages…See Illustration 15-4 on page 700 of the textbook). 


Use the information found on page A30 of Appendix A.


In at least 300 words, comment on the significance of the trend results.

 (b) Compute for 2005 and 2004 the (1) profit margin, (2) asset turnover, (3) return on assets, and (4) return on common stockholders’ equity. How would you evaluate PepsiCo’s profitability?


Total assets at December 27, 2003, were $25,327, and total stockholders’ equity at December 27, 2003, was $11,896.


In at least 200 words identify how would you evaluate PepsiCo’s profitability?

(c)    Compute for 2005 and 2004 the (1) debt to total assets and (2) times interest earned ratio.


In at least 200 words identify how would you evaluate PepsiCo’s long-term solvency?

(d)    In a minimum of 200 words describe what information outside the annual report may also be useful to your parents in making a decision about PepsiCo, Inc.?

Part II:    

PepsiCo’s financial statements are presented in Appendix A. The Coca-Cola Company’s financial statements are presented in Appendix B.


(a)    Based on the information contained in these financial statements, determine each of the following for each company.


(1) The percentage increase (decrease) in (i) net sales and (ii) net income from 2004 to 2005.


(2) The percentage increase in (i) total assets and (ii) total common stockholders’ (shareholders’) equity from 2004 to 2005.


(3) The basic earnings per share and price-earnings ratio for 2005. (For Coca-Cola, use the basic earnings per share.) Coca-Cola’s common stock had a market price of $43.60 at the end of fiscal-year 2005.

(b) Identify, in a minimum of 300 words, what conclusions concerning the two companies can be drawn from these data?



a)                                                                       PEPSICO, INC.

                                                  Trend Analysis of Net Sales and Net Income

                                                             For the Five Years Ended 2005



          Base Period 2001—(in millions)









































































Significance of Results

In at least 300 words, comment on the significance of the trend results.


b)  Profitability

Compute for 2005 and 2004 the (1) profit margin, (2) asset turnover, (3) return on assets,

 and (4) return on common stockholders’ equity for Pepsi Co:


1) Profit Margin

          2005:  $_____ ÷ $ _____= ____%

          2004:  $_____ ÷ $_____ = ____%


2)  Asset Turnover

          2005:  $_____ ÷ $ _____= ____ times

          2004:  $_____ ÷ $_____ = ____ times


3)  Return on Assets

          2005:  $_____ ÷ $ _____= ____%

          2004:  $_____ ÷ $_____ = ____%


4)  Return on Common Stockholder’s Equity

          2005:  $_____ ÷ $ _____= ____%

          2004:  $_____ ÷ $_____ = ____%



In at least 200 words identify how would you evaluate PepsiCo’s profitability?


c)  Compute for 2005 and 2004 the (1) debt to total assets and (2) times interest earned ratio.


 1) Debt to Total Assets

          2005:  $_____ ÷ $ _____= ____%

          2004:  $_____ ÷ $_____ = ____%


2)  Times Interest Earned Ratio

          2005:  $_____ ÷ $ _____= ____ times

          2004:  $_____ ÷ $_____ = ____ times



In at least 200 words identify how would you evaluate PepsiCo’s long-term solvency?

(d) In a minimum of 200 words describe what information outside the annual report may also be useful to your parents in making a decision about PepsiCo, Inc.?







Part II:    

(a) Based on the information contained in these financial statements, determine each of the following for each company. 








Coca-Cola Company












Percentage increase

in net sales


$ – $

 = ___%


$        $

 = ___%














Percentage increase

(decrease) in net


$ – $

 = (___%)


$        $

 = ____%














Percentage increase

(decrease) in total assets


$  – $

 =  ___%


$   – $

 = (__%)














Percentage increase

(decrease) in total common stockholders’ equity


$ – $

 = ____%


$ – $

 = ___%













Basic earnings per share

















Price-earnings ratio



 = ____ times



 = ____ times





(b) Identify, in a minimum of 300 words, what conclusions concerning the two companies can be drawn from these data?






Weygandt, J.J., Kimmel, P.D., & Kieso, D.E. (2008). Financial accounting (6th ed.). Hoboken,


NJ: Wiley.



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