
Review the case study “Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change” and then complete the following: (a) State what actually occurred in the case regarding Kotter’s steps 5 and 6 of empowering employees for broad-based action and generating short-term wins, and (b) address each of the critical elements for Section II parts E and F in your change effort analysis. Make sure to include your recommendations for implementing Kotter’s steps 5 and 6.

E. Enable Action by Removing Barriers

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  1. Identify the forces, barriers, and hindrances to the organizational change effort, and describe each.
  2. How can resistance be recognized? How will you eliminate resistance or mitigate its impact on the implementation of the change plan?
  3. Describe actions that will enable and empower employees to help drive the change effort.

F. Generate Short-Term Wins

  1. Determine how you will generate short-term wins. How will you reward these wins?
  2. What can be gained from short-term wins? Support your response.

For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

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