A Career In Merchandise Planning. Throughout this course, you will explore the retail industry and the role of the buyer, planner, and allocator in the merchandising decision-making process.

The first step in a new career is gaining experience, and often this is accomplished through an internship. Read the assigned chapter in the textbook Retail Buying. At the end of the chapter, review the “Snapshot: Nordstrom’s Internship Program” on the final pages.

After you complete the reading, explore the Nordstrom Retail Careers webpage and locate the specific qualifications needed to apply for one of the brand’s internship programs. Next, research other online retailers that are offering similar internship programs. To learn more, you may want to visit the module “Resources” section to watch videos about what buyers do and retailing internship opportunities.

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For your initial discussion post, address the following:

  • Locate a retailer, other than Nordstrom, that offers a merchandising internship program. Post a link to the internship description. Discuss the various retail merchandise planning concepts and skills covered by the internship.

Reference: Clodfelter, R. (2018). Retail buying: From basics to fashion. New York, NY: Fairchild Books.

A Career In Merchandise Planning

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