Action Research.

  • Create a Word document for your response. Use APA format.
  • Create a title page and references page in APA format.
  • Provide appropriate references and citations from articles in the course or your own research in APA format.
  • Use the guiding questions/prompts to stimulate your thinking and guide your writing.
    • How can the use of action research improve early childhood education practice?
    • How does scientifically based research intersect with action research? Why is this important?
    • How would your early childhood program or organization change if decisions were based on action research?
    • What are the key situations that using research-based decision making would help? Provide an example specific to your situation.
    • Why are data collection and analysis critical to action research and decision making?
    • What obstacles interfere with using action research to improve early childhood practice? How can they be overcome?
    • What ethical considerations impact the use of action research for decision making in your early childhood program or organization?
    • What can you do to implement the use of action research for decision making and improvement in your early childhood program or organization?

Action Research

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