American Government.

POS2050 American National Government

Federalist Papers Analysis Guide

The Federalist Papers were authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. They are a series of letters to the editor, written to the citizens of New York. The papers are an argument in favor of ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Today they serve as a guidebook for the intentions of the founders related to how our government should function.

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Read over the links provided and write short essay responses to the questions in the guideline attachment.

Federalist No. ______

Describe the main idea of this Federalist Paper:

Summarize or outline the key details of this Federalist Paper:

Provide one quote that you believe captures the most important message of this Federalist Paper.  Explain the reason for the quote you selected:

Explain how this Federalist Paper relates to the current lesson:

American Government

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