Analyzing Published Research. Problem

30 to >27 pts
Includes all elements in a manner that is clearly understood. • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated.

27 to >25 pts
Missing only one element OR One element is not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated.

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25 to >22 pts
Missing two elements OR One element is not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated.

22 to >0 pts
Missing two or more elements AND/OR One or more elements are not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated.

/ 30 pts

Description of Findings: Summary

60 to >55 pts
Summary omits no more than one required item from the Evidence Matrix Table.

55 to >50 pts
Summary omits two or three required items from the Evidence Matrix Table.

50 to >45 pts
Summary omits four required items from the Evidence Matrix Table.

45 to >0 pts
Summary omits five or more required items from the Evidence Matrix Table.

/ 60 pts

Description of Findings: Description

60 to >55 pts
Description includes ALL elements. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

55 to >50 pts
Description missing no more than one element. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

50 to >45 pts
Description missing no more than two elements. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

45 to >0 pts
Description missing three or more elements. • What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used? • Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

/ 60 pts

Description of Findings: Conclusion

20 to >17 pts
Summary paragraph includes ALL major findings from article. • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data.

17 to >15 pts
Summary paragraph omits ONE major finding from article. • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data.

15 to >12 pts
Summary paragraph omits TWO major findings from article. • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data.

12 to >0 pts
Summary paragraph omits THREE or MORE major findings from article. • Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in

/ 20 pts

Grammar, Spelling, Mechanics, and APA Format

30 to >27 pts
• Length is three full pages. • Used appropriate APA format and is free of errors. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics are free of errors.

27 to >25 pts
• Length is no more than one quarter page under or over. • Used appropriate APA format, with one type of error. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have one type of error.

25 to >22 pts
• Length is no more than one half page under or over. • Used appropriate APA format, with two types of errors. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have two types of errors.

22 to >0 pts
• Length is three quarters of a page or more under or over. • Attempts made to use APA format; three or more types of errors are present. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have three or more types of errors.

/ 30 ptsTotal Points: 0

Analyzing Published Research

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