Applications In Personality Testing.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 8 and 9 in the textbook and carefully review Section 4 of Chapter 7 in the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (2006) guide, Testing and Assessment: A Guide to Good Practices for Workforce Investment Professionals (Links to an external site.). In addition, review all the required articles for this week, as well as the Case Description: Mr. I—Psychiatric Inpatient Interpretive Report (Links to an external site.) and the PSY640 Week Four Psychological Assessment Report (Links to an external site.).

For this discussion, you will take on the role of a psychologist who was recently assigned two new clients. You will examine psychological assessment information presented in two different formats: a computer generated interpretative report of personality test results for the patient Mr. I and a psychological report written by a licensed psychologist for the patient Ms. S. In your initial post, you will examine the personality assessment instruments used in each report.

Carefully review the Case Description: Mr. I—Psychiatric Inpatient Interpretive Report (Links to an external site.); this patient was referred to you after being admitted into a psychiatric inpatient facility. Write a one-paragraph summary of the computer generated MMPI-2-RF results for Mr. I based on the information in the interpretive report.

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In your role as the psychologist who evaluated Ms. S., examine the personality and ability testing results in the PSY640 Week Four Psychological Assessment Report (Links to an external site.). In your next meeting with Ms. S, you will be required to give her a copy of the psychological assessment report and discuss the results with her by explaining the psychological concepts effectively observing appropriate professional standards. 

In your initial post, provide an evaluation of the contents of both psychological evaluations in terms of ethical standards and the professionalism of the interpretation of the testing and assessment data presented. Write an analysis of the psychometric methodologies employed in the development and validation of the MMPI-2-RF personality test used with both clients. Develop a list of at least two additional tests of personality or emotional functioning to administer to the two clients that demonstrate acceptable validity. Justify your inclusion of each additional assessment measure in terms of the validity of the assessment measure and your clients’ presenting concerns, diagnosis, and prognosis.

Applications In Personality Testing

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