Applying Scientific Methods IP.

Deliverable Length: 500–600 words

 Scientific breakthroughs do not happen overnight. Sometimes, the missing piece of the scientific puzzle takes years to discover. In 1915, Alfred Wegner proposed the theory of continental drift to explain the past and present location of the continents; however, his ideas were met with resistance because he could not provide a mechanism for such movement.


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Write an essay of 500–600 words that addresses the following:

  • Describe geographic evidence collected in the last part of the 20th century to support the theory of continental drift.
  • Why do scientists today accept the movement of continents but did not accept this theory back in Wegner’s time?
  • Describe the process of the scientific method and theory development.
  • How does the scientific method help one understand the natural world?
  • What are the roles of qualitative and quantitative science?
  • Describe how plate tectonics provides the mechanism for continental drift.
  • How do plate tectonics explain the process of continental drift?
  • How do plate tectonics explain natural landforms like the Himalayas and the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean?

A minimum of 2 references should be used to reinforce your ideas. Be sure to include the references as both in-text citations and entries on your reference list.  Keep in mind that your textbook can be used as a reference.

Click on the following link to review additional informational videos relevant to this assignment: The Diminishing Colorado River and Plate Tectonics and Tsunamis.

Applying Scientific Methods IP

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