Discussion Topic:

Read the article in Chapter 15 (page 398) in your textbook and the New Yorker article (posted in module 4 in the Discussion Board section) assessing Arlie Hochschild’s book Strangers IN Their Own Land. Based on the presentations of her research, discuss how you could understand the sweeping political changes that have taken place and are currently taking place since the election of President Trump. Do we need to climb or break down empathy walls? How might you use sociological knowledge and research to start this process?


  • You are required to first post a response to the discussion board prompt and it must be a minimum of 250 words. Citations, titles, copying questions, references, and other identifying information does not count toward word count.
  • You are required to use proper grammar and spelling. When using other sources, citations using APA style are required.
  • Direct quotes are not permitted in discussion posting, therefore you must paraphrase and cite. In addition, you must post a discussion response to a student’s discussion posting.
  • When responding to a classmate, your response needs to be pertinent and of substance. Stating that you agree or disagree is not sufficient. You must substantiate your responses.
  • Above all, they must be respectful and worthy of intellectual honesty, sincerity, and humility. Responses must be a minimum of 150 words.
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