Applying the principles of EBPH to Approach a Specific Health Problem or Situation.

Final Project

Over the past five weeks, you have taken an in-depth review of EBPH. At this point in the course, you will be challenged to combine all the knowledge, skills, and experience acquired so far to design a targeted intervention, program, or policy to address a specific public health issue.

Building on all the material, readings, information, and assignments related to your public health problem, issue, situation, or concern, use the principles and concepts learned from the EBPH process to:

  1. Select, design, and develop an intervention program for your identified public health problem.
  2. Develop an action plan for implementing the intervention program.
  3. Develop an evaluation program or policy for your intervention.
  4. Identify and analyze the intended or targeted audience for which the intervention program, policy, or action is intended to be disseminated to, that is, policy makers, community members, stakeholders, public health practitioners, journal publication, etc.
  5. Evaluate, review, and decide on the most appropriate and effective format or type of evidence or information that will be used or packaged to present your EBPH program or policy.

Combine all the previous Project assignments related to your public health problem and prepare and present a comprehensive paper that would have used the evidence-based process to address, approach, or intervene your particular public health issue.

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Utilize assigned and suggested weekly readings, the South University online library, the Internet readings, and references to search, evaluate, and retrieve relevant EBPH literature to support your responses.

Submission Details:

  • Write a 15–20-page, double-spaced paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_W5_Project.doc.
  • By the due date asigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Applying the principles of EBPH to Approach a Specific Health Problem or Situation

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