Assignment: Applying the Social-Ecological Model.

The Social-Ecological Model (SEM) has been used to explain/predict behavior from an ecological perspective. The focus of the SEM is to describe how specific levels of influence, as well as internal and external factors, interact to impact and shape health behavior. Using the levels of intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, community, and societal factors, you will be asked to apply the SEM to a specific health topic. While the topic will be assigned by your Instructor, you will select a target group to focus on.

To prepare:

Review the topic assigned to you by your Instructor.
Download the Target Population document from your Learning Resources and select one target population to focus on.
Review the Module 4 Resources.
Submit a 3- to 4-page paper (not including title page and references) that includes the following:

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Title page
Social-Ecological Model
In your own words, provide a brief description of the Social-Ecological Model.
Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Levels
Describe how the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels can/do influence the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and provide examples.
Institutional, Community, and Societal Levels
Describe how the institutional, community, and societal levels can/do impact the assigned health topic and how these levels pertain to your selected target group. Be specific and provide examples.
Challenges to Achieving Health Equity
Describe how structural bias, social inequities, and racism can create challenges to achieving health equity for your specific targeted group for your assigned health topic.
Summary of the Application of SEM
Summarize the application of the SEM to your selected target group and assigned health topic.
Reference List
Include a reference list using APA format.

Assignment: Applying the Social-Ecological Model

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