Assignment: Nurse Educator Interview: Schedule Interview And Develop Interview Questions.

Arrange a Nurse Educator Interview

By the end of week 2, you will identify and arrange to interview an experienced nurse educator about the trends in nursing education that she/he has observed or experienced during her/his career in education. You will also develop 10–12 interview questions.

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Assignment Guidelines

  • The person you select to interview must have a minimum of 5 years experience as a nurse educator currently practicing in academia, staff development, or a clinical nurse educator or patient educator. No family members please.
  • You may arrange to conduct the interview in person, by phone, or by online web conferencing.
  • In general, when you contact a prospective interviewee, state who you are and explain that the interview is for a university course assignment.
  • Ask for a convenient time to meet for a 30-minute interview.
  • Review the literature related to the nurse educator’s specific field of nursing education.
  • Type 10–12 interview questions.

General Guidelines for Developing Interview Questions

  • Your interview questions will depend on the method of interview (formal or informal, face to face, or online web meeting/conferencing) and the specific area the nurse educator is practicing.
  • Word your questions clearly and concisely.
  • Ask open-ended questions.
  • Begin the interview with simple, factual questions that are easy to answer (icebreakers). This will help put the nurse educator at ease and help you establish a rapport. For example:
    • You may ask about qualifications, credentials, expertise, experience, level of education, responsibilities, and/or a typical day.
    • You may wish to ask questions that elicit feedback about how the person became interested in nursing education, how education was selected as a career path, and what steps were taken to become a nurse educator.
  • Next, seek information about personal experiences and opinions, such as:
    • Teaching philosophy and goals related to nursing education
    • Experiences with curricula
    • Experiences with evaluation
    • Ways of knowing that student goals are met
    • Ways of engaging and/or enriching student learning
    • Outlook on the future of nursing education
    • The most effective teaching strategies
    • Positive experiences in teaching
    • Challenges faced as a nurse educator

Assignment: Nurse Educator Interview: Schedule Interview And Develop Interview Questions

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