Phase I: Exploration

After logging into the given cite, I was able to see a total of twenty stars. They were appearing larger than the galaxies which are far away from the Earth. Because of the small size of the stars, I had to expand their image of being a little bit larger than they were before. It is only because of this that I managed to count the twenty stars.

The total number of galaxies was twelve. This was ascertained after identifying a section of the image as was directed. All the number of objects in a quarter of the image was counted. Thereafter, the finding was multiplied by four to reach at the total number of galaxies for the whole image. This can be demonstrated in the following calculation:

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One quarter = 3

Whole image = 4X3 = 12

Some of the galaxies are orange-red in color, while others are white, and others are blue.

The most common color of galaxies in this object is the blue. According to my observation, it was the most prominent color which could be seen in most of the galaxies present in the object. I think this is because they are appearing to be more spiral than any other type of galaxy which always has a different color. In this regard, the galaxies have to show the blue coloring, so as to fulfill this condition.

The galaxies are relatively far. This is because they appear smaller than usual when viewed. However, this cannot be compared to the stars which are positioned far away. I think this is because of their formation. Often, the formation of the Milky Way is a very long process which involves a series of reactions. This explains why these spiral galaxies appear to be far away. However, this does not mean that their diameters will differ. They remain the same, since these are similar objects despite their varying distances from the Earth. They, therefore, have to appear far when viewed in such an image.

Phase II – Does the Evidence Match a Given Conclusion?

I would agree with the generalization that “nearby galaxies are equally split between circular-round and elongated spiral shapes”, because it is accurate and is not misleading at all. It is a true observation of what is happening during the formation of galaxies. The image shows a collection of 10,000 galaxies which were formed millions of years ago. Because of this, the nearby galaxies have to be split between themselves besides having circular round elongated shape. This is typical of a galaxy which must always be seen to be appearing at varying distances.

In this regard, I would like to agree with the student for making such an assertion. In fact, it is a right observation which gives the right information about the galaxy as seen by a telescope. He was right for making such a generalization.

Phase III – What Conclusions Can You Draw From This Evidence?

The distribution of galaxies is not even. This is because the formation of stars must have taken place during different times. The information presented in the table is quite accurate because it gives in-depth information about what is happening as observed by the Hubble Ultra Deep Field researchers. This is a clear indication that such a distribution of galaxies can show a variation in size and shape depending on the distance under which it was covered.

At the same time, galaxies can be of different colors because of the distances they occupy at any given time. Actually, a telescope can help in capturing thousands of galaxies which have lots of stars in them. This is what is seen in this Hubble Ultra Deep Field distribution given in the above study.

Phase IV – What Evidence Do You Need To Pursue?

It is true that there is a difference between the numbers of nearby and extremely distant galaxies. This is in line with lots of researches which have been done by different scholars in this field. It is also true that there are more distant galaxies than the nearby ones. This is because a typical study done some distances away may show galaxies far away to be more than the nearby ones which are seen as whole objects occupying a bigger space. Their long distance enables them to orbit far from the galactic core as compared to the nearby galaxies. This kind of opposing force between these galaxies determines the difference in their numbers.

This process of evidence description is long and entails a lot of steps. It involves a series of studies using a telescope. When charged with such a responsibility, I would go to the blog and analyze how this can be done. First, the researcher should have all the required materials used for looking at the different types of galaxies available in the object observed. Then, he should go ahead to calculate their distances before determining their respective colors and shapes.

Phase V – Formulate a Question, Pursue Evidence, and Justify Your Conclusion

Specific research question here would be: “Is galaxy appearing far or near?” When carrying out such a study, it is essential to follow all the laid procedures. This will begin from carrying out a baseline study, so as to be acclimatized with the actual situation before beginning the analysis.  It involves series of studies using a telescope. When charged with such a responsibility, I would go to the blog and analyze how this can be done. First, the researcher should have all the required materials used for looking at the different types of galaxies available in the object observed. Lastly, sort out their shapes before concluding the work.

The conclusion base on evidence will be that distribution is random, making the stars appear smaller and much in number.


This test was carried out well. The galaxies appear to be unevenly distributed in the whole region. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field study is clear evidence that galaxies are in different sixes depending on their distance from the Earth. Those seen near the Earth are bigger than those located far away. At the same time, it is important to clarify that stars are smaller than the galaxies. This is clear evidence on the fact that they are also located as varying distances.


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