BA 1200 MOD 3 DB.

Discussion Post: Go to the Module Three Resources folder/Business News Sources for Assignments. Inside that folder are links to online sources of business news: the Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, Fortune, Reuters Business News Headlines, and CNN Business. Select one of the links (or ask your professor if you would like to use another credible business source) and identify an article featured on the website that relates to at least five of the key concepts listed here:

  • Chapter 9 major concepts are: continuous process, just-in-time inventory control, lean manufacturing, operations management, production management, quality.
  • Chapter 17 major concepts are: accounting, annual report, assets, balance sheet, cash flow, financial statement, income statement, liabilities, statement of cash flows.
  • Chapter 18 major concepts are: budget, debt financing, equity financing, financial management, operating budget, venture capital.
  • Bonus Chapter A major concepts are: business law, contract, product liability.
  • Then explain in 7-10 sentences why the article you have selected relates to the concepts you chose. You must use proper grammar and punctuation, and your work must be in your own words; you are not permitted to simply copy and paste the content from the article. At the end of the post, include the link to the online article referenced in your post.

Discussion Response: Review all of the Module One Discussion Posts. Select another student’s post to comment on. Then explain in 7-10 sentences why the post you have selected relates to at least five concepts below you didn’t use in the discussion post:

  • Chapter 9 major concepts are: continuous process, just-in-time inventory control, lean manufacturing, operations management, production management, quality.
  • Chapter 17 major concepts are: accounting, annual report, assets, balance sheet, cash flow, financial statement, income statement, liabilities, statement of cash flows.
  • Chapter 18 major concepts are: budget, debt financing, equity financing, financial management, operating budget, venture capital.
  • Bonus Chapter A major concepts are: business law, contract, product liability.
  • You must use proper grammar and punctuation, and your work must be in your own words; you are not permitted to simply copy and paste the content from the article or from another student’s post. At the end of the post, include the link to the online article referenced in your post.

BA 1200 MOD 3 DB

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