Benchmark – Lifelong Learner Professional Development Plan.

 State-Research Beaufort South Carolina 

As an educator, the learning process never stops. Once in the classroom, continuing to keep up with trends, research, and best practices is critical to excelling professionally. In addition, educators are required to obtain hours of professional development or continued education to maintain their teaching certificates long-term.

For this assignment, you will be outlining a lifelong learning plan for your own professional growth and development. Begin by researching your state’s professional growth and continuing education requirements for maintaining a teacher’s license.

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Research local, state, and national organizations that offer professional development for early childhood educators. In your search, consider the ethical expectations of a teacher, the responsibilities of teachers to serve as advocates for the education of young children, and the importance of staying up-to-date on education related issues and current trends.

Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation for first year educators describing your ongoing professional development plan.

Include in your presentation the following:

  1. How early childhood professional development informs and enhances practice in order to maximize learning outcomes.
  2. A summary of themes from NAEYC professional standards and how they inform early childhood education.
  3. Apply theories from research that would promote professional practice within early childhood education.
  4. Examples of current professional development opportunities (webinars, conferences, workshops, courses, etc.) in the field of early childhood.
  5. Title slide, references slide, and detailed speaker’s notes.

Support your assignment with 3-5 scholarly references, one of which should be professional and ethical standards.  

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. 

Program competencies and national standards assessed in the benchmark assignment:
COE 5.1 Engage in ongoing, collaborative professional development from the early childhood education field to inform practice in order to maximize learning outcomes. [NAEYC 6a, 6c; InTASC 4(o), 4(p), 9(a), 9(b), 9(d), 9(e), 9(l), 10(e), 10(f), 10(g), 10(i), 10(n), 10(r); ISTE-T 3a, 4a, 4c, 5d]
COE 5.3 Integrate relevant, research-based perspectives on early childhood to promote professional practice. [NAEYC 6d; InTASC 9(n), 10(h), 10(t); ISTE 5b, 5c; MC1]
COE 5.2 Model the expectations of the profession by upholding ethical standards, professional standards of practice, and relevant laws and policies. [NAEYC 6b; InTASC 9(f), 9(i), 9(o); ISTE-T 4a; MC3, MC5]

Benchmark – Lifelong Learner Professional Development Plan

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