Book or Movie Review.

Psychological Disorders

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 18% of American adults experience anxiety disorders in a typical year. About 9.5% have the symptoms of mood disorders (Note that an individual can be simultaneously diagnosed with both types). There are many possible explanations for the high prevalence of both disorders, but whatever the cause, these two categories affect a very large part of the population and thus are of great concern. 

Complete the following:

Briefly share the plot of a book, movie, or television show in which the main character(s) presented one of the psychological disorders discussed in this module. Describe the behaviors displayed by the character(s) that are symptomatic of the disorder. Did the character(s) seek professional help from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor? What coping strategies were used? What caused the character(s) to develop the disorder and in your opinion, which therapeutic approach do you feel would be the most beneficial treatment for your character(s)? Why?

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Book or Movie Review

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