Building a Coalition. What is a Coalition?  The term “coalition” is the denotation for a group formed when two or more persons or organizations agree to work together temporarily in a partnership to achieve a common goal.


Our goal is to get a salary raise for teachers in the state of Florida.Create in MS Word/PDF a list of organizations, entities, businesses, and individuals that would be part of the group project’s coalition. For each one include the name, website if applicable, and why they would be part of the coalition. Must have a minimum of 9. Your coalition must include a unique name.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Forging An Effective Alliance

  1. Define the Problem to Attract the Widest Possible Coalition
  2. Build the Coalition around a Solution
  3. Tailor the Coalition to the Decision Maker(Governor DeSantis)
  4. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel
  5. Draft for Talent and Need
  6. Turn Opponents into Allies
    1. Facts
    2. Common Ground
  7. Pick a Strong Champion to Celebrate Your Cause
  8. Have a Simple, Direct Message- and Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
  9. Be Vigilant in Keeping the Coalition Together
    1. Engagement, communication, small-wins, transparency, grow, challenges

Building a Coalition

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