Building A Health History.

26-year-old Lebanese female living in graduate-student housing

How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient? How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s social determinants of health? What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks? Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration. Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented in the Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient. Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history.APA Citation 3 to 4 Reference within 5 years

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Building A Health History

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