Building a Training Program, management homework help.

Assignment 2: Building a Training Program

In this assignment, you will evaluate various approaches to evaluating a training program and then create an implementable posttraining evaluation form to evaluate your results. To help you design your evaluation, here is some background information:

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  • The program is titled Basic Manufacturing Skills for New Employees.
  • The class size is one hundred new employees with basic skills including mathematics, engineering, language, and reading.
  • The class is a combination of lecture and practical application:
    • Basic skills: Required for immediate impact on the production floor
    • Intermediate skills: Required for advancement to more complex quality control functions
    • Advanced skills: Required for supervisory positions to train new employees


Write a 2- to 3-page paper including responses to the following points:

  • Identify the process that you would use to plan and implement a good training evaluation. Support your response with a rationale.
  • As a part of your paper, create a posttraining evaluation form (in a Microsoft Word document) consisting of specific measurable areas with a valid rating scale.

Submission Details:

  • By Week 4, Day 7, save your paper as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Identified the process used to plan and implement a good training evaluation and created a posttraining evaluation form consisting of specific measurable areas with a valid rating scale. Supported your response with a rationale.


Included all citations in APA format.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.



Hello Class,

In Module 4, you will be building a training program that includes a post-training evaluation form. I have attached a sample evaluation form for your review. You can add images to this form, the image I used is from

Thank you

Dr. Dale



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Building a Training Program, management homework help

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