
topic: The Untouchables  On PBS.


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Instructions: Please address each question provided in the form. Your answers will be graded on a 10 point scale.  For full credit, you need to provide reasonably detailed, thoughtful, and insightful answers to each of the items, (roughly 100 words), free of grammatical and spelling errors. Slapdash work will only receive partial credit of 5 points and very shoddy work will receive zero points.


1. Briefly summarize the basic plot or issue that the film or case study addresses.

2.  What do you think is the most interesting point in the movie (and why)? What deeper issues does it raise?

3.  What do you think is the most controversial aspect of what is presented (and why)?

4. What is the most important ethical issue that the movie is addressing? Please explain, making suitable reference to ethical/justice theory 


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