The intent of this first business project is for students to explore why they are in college and what is their future direction.  To this end, this project will assist students in preparing for a successful career, a successful career change or professional elevation. The project requires that you analyze your skills, learn about different careers, and determine the best possible match. By exploring internships and other volunteer opportunities, networking, skill analysis, and research you can gain an edge in making a smooth transition from school to work and to your desired profession. Your term project is divided into the following 8 sections: the career job have to be IT (information technology)



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  1. Business Skills Assessment – Before you choose a career you will need to know what motivates you and what skills you can offer an employer. Think about something you accomplished in your life that made you really proud. Write a story about it. Now go over the story (it should be at least 3-4 complete paragraphs or 1 single-spaced page) and analyze what you had to do to make that happen. What skills did you use? Make a list of five skills you used and rank them. In determining your skills, think in terms of “did you analyze information?” “work with people”, “use mechanical ability?” etc.
    1. Use Microsoft Word to write your story and then create a table with two columns: one listing the skill and the other explaining it.  It is suggested that you complete Part 1 during week 2 or week 3 – in preparation for submission of Parts 1-4 during week 6. Your professor will review (not grade) this submission and provide feedback to assist you in improving your final project submission during Wk 12.


  1. Researching Careers – In this section you will have to choose three careers that interest you. List these careers. For each of these careers research and answer  the following:
    1. Nature of the work – what does someone in this position do on a daily basis (a job description);
    2. Employment – document the number of jobs available for this position.
    3. Qualification, Training, and Advancement – document the qualification needed to secure this type of position as well as the training and advancement opportunities.
    4. Job Outlook – document if the number of this type of position is expected to grow within the next ten years.
    5. Earnings – document the salary someone may earn in this type of position.

You can accomplish the above by talking to professionals who are currently working in these positions or through research using the Internet, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and other sources.. A good place to start is the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics:

a.    Put all of the above information in an Excel worksheet. It is suggested that you complete Part 2 during week 3 – in preparation for submission of Parts 1-4 during week 6 to receive comments (not a grade) from your professor prior to submission of your final project during week 12.


  1. Internships – Any kind of work experience related to your field that you can acquire while in school will greatly increase your chance of employment in that field after graduation. Visit the OCA office to learn about fulfilling your internship requirement  and meet with  a counselor review any unpaid internship, part-time job, co-op program, or volunteer work they may have in your field of interest. Document these positions and what you will need to do to eventually apply for any of them.
    1. Use Word to report the above requested information. It is suggested that you complete Part 3 during week 4 – in preparation for submission of Parts 1-4 during week 6 to receive comments (not a grade) from your professor prior to submission of your final project during week 12.


  1. Networking – List three possible professionals who you can contact to secure information about your career. Document your discussion with these individuals. Also, identify a company you would like to work for. Call the human resources department of the company and ask what you would need to do to schedule an informational interview.  Document your conversation with the human resources personnel.
    1. Use Excel to create a chart with the above information.  It is suggested that you complete Part 4 during week 5 – in preparation for submission of Parts 1-4 during week 6 to receive comments (not a grade) from your professor prior to submission of your final project during week 12.


  1. Resume – Describe a functional and a chronological resume. Explain what makes these different. Also, prepare either a functional or chronological resume. See Prologue pages of the text pages xxx-xxxviii for details.
    1. Use Word to complete the above. It is suggested that you complete Part 5 during week 6 – in preparation for submission of Parts 5-7 during week 9 to receive

comments (not a grade) from your professor prior to submission of your final project during week 12.

You must make an appointment with OCA for assistance in creating or updating your professional resume. The resume submitted as part of your project must be stamped   ” Approved by Monroe College OCA”


  1. Computer Skills – Describe your level of proficiency in the various   software programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Identify the programs which you need to become more familiar with and document your plan of action for improving your proficiency. 
    1. Use Excel to create a chart with the above information.  It is suggested that you complete Part 6 during week 7 – in preparation for submission of Parts 5-7 during week 9 to receive comments (not a grade) from your professor prior to submission of your final project during week 12.


  1. Selection of Minor (BA Business majors) or a Concentration (Associate Business majors).  Specifically state which minor or area of concentration you will select.  Explain why your selected minor will assist you in your future career plans. 
    1. Use Word to report the above information. 

It is suggested that you complete Part 7 during week 8 – in preparation for submission of Parts 5-7 during week 10 to receive comments (not a grade) from your professor prior to submission of your final project during week12.


  1. Summary/Conclusion – This will be a summary of the entire project, much like a major business presentation. 

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