BUSN 635 Forum 4.

BUSN 635 Forum 4

300 WORDS 

1. What is a Company Overview, its purpose and what is its significance in a business plan.

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2. What legal structure did you select and why?  Please be prepared to support your answer.

3. What is the management team section of a business plan and what’s its purpose?

4. How important is the management team section to investors and why?  Be specific and explain.
5. Who will you select to be part of your management team and why?  Be specific and explain.

6. Who should be included on your Advisory Board and why? Be specific and explain.

7. Why is it beneficial to “name drop” within your plan so as to beef up your credibility and up-sell your contact and network portfolio?

8. Why is it important to have a clear product/service overview? Provide some examples.

Please elaborate and provide substantive support for your findings by citing credible sources (i.e. course text, articles, journals, etc.)

BUSN 635 Forum 4

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