
Business #1: Simulation

1) Learning Outcome: Using appropriate data from a business simulation, determine the firm’s performance on key indicators and communicate this assessment and recommendations for management actions

During week 1, I’ll be sending you access codes to get into the Capsim program. You will receive one code, which works for the group simulation and for the individual simulation.  This code allows you access to the simulation, so if you get to a screen that says you have to pay – do NOT pay. There is a document below that will help you log in for the first time to Capsim. If you have issues, please call Capsim (# in Team Member guide) and they will walk you through the screen prompts. As mentioned above part of the simulation will be group and part with be individual.

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CAPS794 Registration Instructions (SEE ATTACHMENT “#1” and “#2”)

Please download the Capstone Simulation Team Member Guide (SEE ATTCHMENT) and spend some time reading it. It isn’t easy reading, so it might be a good idea to copy it out, take a pencil and go somewhere you won’t be (more) disturbed (than usual). 

Review the CAPS794 Sim Powerpoint (SEE ATTACHMET)

2) Simulation Rehearsal Tutorial Quiz

During the first two days of this week you will complete the short Simulation Rehearsal Tutorial Quiz. The sooner the better as this is a fast-paced course and the simulation is groups so don’t let your fellow colleagues down.


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