Career in criminal justice.

Career in criminal justice Discussion Board

You are asked to create a section of an officer training module in which you discuss the elements necessary for effective report writing, such as clarity and conciseness. The audience that the training module will educate is 15-year veterans in the force who are being required to attend the course because their report writing is below standard.

Please post your answers or opinions for the following questions. Make sure that when offering an opinion, you qualify it with academic or real-life examples to validate your opinion. Please provide at least 1 feedback post to 1 of your classmates.

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  • What do you think will be the particular challenges in learning to write effective police reports, especially for this audience? Why?
  • How would you approach instructing effective report writing, specifically incident reports with this audience? Why would you take this approach?
  • MUST BE 200-300 words

Career in criminal justice

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