Career-life planning, putting it all together, management homework help.

Project – Putting It All Together

  • Review ALL of the tests you have taken to date
  • Make sure you understand what the test is measuring and what the test says about you
  • Identify your skills, abilities, values, interests
  • Show how the tests validated the skills, abilities, values, interests you identified
  • Further validate by showing how you have used the skill in previous experiences (i.e. job, volunteer, school, church, etc.)
  • Discuss the area of interest you want to explore based on what the tests revealed to you
  • Discuss occupations on that area of interests that you want to explore
  • Conclude the paper with a summation of what you have learned about yourself and how you plan to use the knowledge you have gained.


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What test is measuring?

Tests are measuring my level of interest in different field. My transferable skills and other minor skills that I have learned from my previous work or from life experiences. What I like to do and what I am good at doing. We had many choices and we had to choose from them and slowly the choices were decreasing and at the end we were left with few skills or interests. That’s how the tests were.

Tests I took and the results:

Micro Skill test: five very satisfying skills were handling emergencies, Caution, Estimating, Decision Making, training. (Skills I actually have)

True Color test: Green color which means I may be at my best when I am seeking knowledge and understanding. I need explanations and answers, and may not automatically follow authority. I tend to value intelligence, insight, integrity and justice. I tend to focus on ideas or projects until I understand them or they are complete. Every work environment that requires an intense ability to think and work independently will need a Green.

Strong Interest Inventory test: It is a tool to that can help you make satisfying decisions about your career and education. However, this test only measures interests not skills or ability. According to this test I am interested in jobs like, Organizing, data management, accounting, investing, information system. Among these the most interesting one for me was investing, accounting and management.

Types of Job that I am actually interested in: Accounting, Business analyst, open my own business.

Experience I have: we had a clothing store and I used to work there. I used to all the estimating, budgeting, book keeping stuffs, organizing.


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