case study 2. Case Studies

Each student will be assigned two of the case studies below. Your post should be approximately 250 words in length and contain substantive information that contributes to an understanding of the disorder under discussion. You may post graphics from online sources, but please do NOT simply cut and paste entire entries from the internet. You are expected to provide references for all the information cited.

Discussion Questions

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1. Relate history to the diagnosis. What risk factors are present, and how does each predispose to disease?

2. Explain the cause of the disease in this patient.

3. How could this disease have been prevented in this patient?

4. Discuss the complications that might develop in this patient.

5. Discuss the treatments available to the patient.

6. What is the probable prognosis for this patient?

Case Study#3: Crystal, a A 32-year-old black woman visits her physician because she has noticed traces of blood in her urine. She reports that she has been increasingly tired at her job as a waitress, and for the past six months has experienced periodic stiffness and swelling in her hands, mild fevers, poor appetite, and weight loss. She has also been bothered by a rash on her cheeks that gets worse whenever she is out in the sun for any length of time. Her physician orders lab tests which show small amounts of protein and red blood cells in the urine, and the presence of antinuclear antibodies. On the basis of these findings she is diagnosed with SLE.

case study 2

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