Case Study on Google Technologies. Instructions for Final Case Study

In this essay, you will analyze five Google technologies that are current under research and development, including the self-driving automobile and four other technologies of your choice.  The last chapter of your textbook discusses the search and advertising technologies of Google.  While Google is best known for their search and advertising technologies, they also have a multi-billion dollar research and development department that works on cutting edge technologies ranging from self-driving automobiles to renewable energy.

For your final case study, you will research 4 technologies (in addition to the self-driving automobile) that Google is currently developing, other than the search, advertising, and Gmail features that we are already familiar with.  Please refer back to the Week 7 Forum for additional guidance on choosing your other four technologies.

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Before you begin writing, download the attached file, FinalCaseStudy.docx, and very carefully read and follow all instructions contained in the file.  Also, make sure you compose your essay in the provided template file, as it is already formatted with the correct margins, fonts, headings and sub-headings, etc.

Your essay will automatically be checked for plagiarism by TurnItIn.  You do not have to upload your paper to TurnItIn – it will be automatically submitted to TurnItIn for you when you submit your essay through the Assignments section of the classroom.  Make sure you write in your own words – there must be no more than 5% similarity to sources to receive credit for this assignment.

Paper Format is as follows:


Analysis of Self-Driving Automobile (500-word description & analysis of impacts on society)

Analysis of Technology #2 (500-word description & analysis of impacts on society)

Analysis of Technology #3 (500-word description & analysis of impacts on society)

Analysis of Technology #4 (500-word description & analysis of impacts on society)

Analysis of Technology #5 (500-word description & analysis of impacts on society)


Case Study on Google Technologies

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