Causes of Depression.

Based on your preliminary exploration of the causes of depression using the Genes to Cognition Online (G2C) interactive Web site or an alternative resource of your choice, discuss the following:

  • Summarize the expert’s perspective about the cause of depression.
  • Analyze the significance of the expert’s perspective as it relates to the treatment of depression.
  • What are the implications, both pro and con, of the information for treating depression?

APA Citations of the G2C Web Site

When citing and referencing work from the G2C Web site, use the following example.

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In-text citation options:

  • According to Lieberman (n.d.), three major subtypes of depression exist.
  • Three major subtypes of depression exist (Lieberman, n.d.).


Lieberman, J. (n.d.). Depression–subtypes [Video]. In Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Genes to cognition online. Retrieved from

Causes of Depression

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