Chapter in Theory essay. after reading the assigned textbook chapter, one student per team will answer a set of chapter-related questions (listed on CC) based on an imaginary business using a random word generator (; generate 3 words and be creative). Importantly, exhibit critical thinking. (No need to summarize the chapter.) Format: about 2-3 pages long, 1” margins, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, with page numbers.

So pretty much makeup company based on 3 randomly generated words

Answer following questions

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· Describe what does your firm do; what is your product or service? ; be sure to explain its position on the product value chain (i.e., is in manufacturing, wholesale, retail, etc.).

· Do you have a first mover advantage in your industry? What are the benefits? The disadvantages?
If you are not 1st mover, benefits? Advantages?

· Is your product a disruptive innovation? Explain. (Note that being new and maybe also difficult to imitate doesn’t mean disruption; check closely the exact definition!)

· Think about your rivals – do they have the Awareness, Motivation and Capability to respond to your product introduction? Explain.

· Pick and explain one type of competitive move that you can use.

Also come up with 2 multiple choice questions from chapter

Chapter in Theory essay

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