Part 1: Pre-assessment and Implementation

Follow these steps for this week’s field experience:

  1. Discuss with your mentor teacher your expectations for     identifying, selecting, and working with a small group of students.     From your previous observation in your field experience classroom,     identify students in the classroom environment that would benefit     from additional learning support. Share this information with your     mentor teacher to determine 3-5 students, above, at, or below     standard achievement, to work with on standards specific to the     social studies content area for this classroom.
  2. Develop a     pre-assessment in the social studies content area that aligns to the     standards and unit that your mentor teacher shared with you during     Clinical Field Experience A. This pre-assessment can be oral,     written, or completed through technology. The pre-assessment should     identify how well selected students know the concept and provide     data that would allow you to determine learning gaps and needs in     order to develop an appropriate lesson to support learning   needs.
  3. Share the pre-assessment with your mentor teacher and     ask for his or her feedback.
  4. Implement the pre-assessment     that you created with the selected group of students and use the     data to prepare for Clinical Field Experience C.

Part 2: Reflection

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In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on your field experience   including the steps you took to identify students for the   pre-assessment and their pre-assessment results.

Additionally consider:

  1. How did the pre-assessment provide data to determine the     learning gaps and needs of students?
  2. What challenges did     you face when developing and delivering the pre-assessment?
  3. Explain how you will use your findings in your future     professional practice.

Submit your reflection and the pre-assessment as one deliverable.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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