Community Based Health Programs.

Community Based Health Programs

Identify one community based program (in Prince George’s County, Maryland or Washington, D.C) that focuses on addressing health issues. The program will focus on behavior change, changing local environments for health, or developing new health policies. The program can be through a local health department or a local non-profit organization (in Prince George’s County, Maryland or Washington, D.C).

Describe: (Introduction)

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>> the purpose of the program

>> its target population

>> major activities and/or components of the program

The critical reflection component of the assignment is your reactions to the program, which needs to be about the significance, approaches, or content of the program. I am looking for thoughtfulness, critical thinking, and a clear presentation of your thoughts in writing. You may have to visit or call the program to get some of these details.

If the reference is a book >>>PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! Include the book page(s). Thanks!!

Please make sure the reference is cited CORRECTLY in APA form. Thanks!!

This assignment should be 5 pages. The reflection component should be 2 pages of the paper.

Page 2 is an outline of what the assignment should look like… Please place subtitles SO I can follow the assignment, thanks!

Title page


>> the purpose of the program

>> its target population

>> major activities and/or components of the program


  1. The program will focus on behavior change, changing local environments for health, & developing new health policies.
  • critical reflection component of the assignment is your reactions to the program, which needs to be about the significance, approaches, or content of the program.   (((should be 2 pages of the paper)))



If the reference is a book >>>PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! Include the book number page(s). Thanks!!

Please make sure the reference is cited CORRECTLY in APA format. Thanks!!

Community Based Health Programs

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