Competitive Advantage. Imagine that you are the chief operations officer (COO) of You are interested in creating a competitive advantage for your company (compared to other online retailers) in that you wish to be able to provide to your customers faster shipping than you have been able to provide with your existing set of warehouses and fulfillment centers. It has been decided that using overnight shipping on every order (which would, of course, be about as quick as shipping could be) has been eliminated as a possibility due to being prohibitively expensive.

Describe what you would recommend as the COO to improve the speed with which customers receive the products that they have ordered. What negative consequences or disadvantages, if any, do you see as a result of your proposed solution?

Submission Details:

  • Submit your report in a two- to three-page Word document, using APA style. 
  • Submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • Name your document SUO_MGT3059_W1_ LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Competitive Advantage

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