Computer Information Systems.
  • Computer Information Systems 

“Security Concerns and Best Practices”  Please respond to the following:

  • Give your opinion on what you believe to be the greatest IT security concern facing businesses today and explain the main reason(s) why you believe such is the case. Additionally, propose at least one (1) security control that a business could consider implementing in order to protect against the IT security concern in question.
  • Read the article titled “10 security best practice guidelines for consumers.” Next, identify the security practice guideline that you believe consumers should educate themselves with the most in order to keep their data private and job secure. Explain the key reasons why you believe the best practice you selected is important. Then, speculate on one (1) additional precaution (not listed in the article) that consumers could take in order to avoid potential security problems. Justify your respose. 

Computer Information Systems

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