In Chapter 10, the text addresses primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs. We are going to review the different level programs and explore their effectiveness. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 10 in your text. In addition,

In this discussion, we will examine the different levels of programs and provide an example for each level. When introducing a program to the discussion, provide a brief description of the program, its intended purpose, and the target juvenile population. Discuss your perceptions of these programs’ effectiveness. How did you come to your conclusion on effectiveness?

When responding to one of your classmates, use one of the text’s questions below concerning prevention programs to focus your response and further the conversation. Select one bullet below and present the positives and the negatives for the issue addressed:

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  • Does every juvenile who has been arrested need treatment? Should all juveniles arrested receive the same treatment services? Why or why not?
  • Should prevention programs be given to everyone, and if so, where? Should we consider ethnicity, race, education, socioeconomic standing?
  • Are the services worth the taxpayer costs? Consider both financial and social costs.
  • Should we mandate prevention for school-aged children, their parents, or for both? What if the parents refuse to participate?
  • What role does the state have in addressing pre-criminal status offenses or delinquent behavior? Should the state have the authority to force parents to participate? What sanctions should the state have to enforce compliance?

Note: this discussion format will differ from formats in prior courses. You must post in the discussion on at least three separate days by Day 7; your total word count for your posts should be a minimum of 600 words. There is no required word count for individual posts as long as your combined posts total at least 600 words. However, you must use at least one in-text citation to support your claims and properly cite any references

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