Using the above Assessment tool, please evaluate the following vignette for suspicion of child abuse. 
Fill out the form, describing what you see in the vignette that supports your assessment responses.

After you fill out the form, write a paper discussing your assessment and decision making, possible interventions and prevention strategies that you might use in this vignette.  Justify your decisions and actions by using and referencing the course text and ethics code.  All work must be written in graduate level English in APA format.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages plus a title and reference page.

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Dave, a 16-year old boy, is seen in an intake counseling session accompanied by his mother. His mother is worried because Dave is so angry.  Dave tells you that he hates his parents. He tells you that he is sick of his father’s alcoholic rages and his mother making excuses for them. Mom tells you that Dave will argue and pick a fight with his father when Dad is drinking.  Often times, this ends with fights between Dave and his Dad.  On more than one occasion Dave has suffered from a black eye. Dave tells you that he only picks these fights to protect his 12-year old brother by “getting the heat off of him”. Mom tells you that it’s always impossible for her to tell who started the physical fight and asks what she should do.

2nd paper:

Complete this form, save as pdf:

Using the above Assessment tools, please evaluate the following vignette for risk and suicidality. Please consider culture in your assessment. You are required to reference your work in APA format.

After you fill out the form, write a paper discussing your assessment and decision making, possible interventions and prevention strategies that you might use in this vignette.  Justify your decisions and actions by using and referencing the course text and ethics code.  All work must be written in graduate level English in APA format.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages plus a title and reference page.

Naomi, a 16-year old Native-American female, is brought to your office by her parents after they found scratches on Naomi’s wrist and a note saying, “I just wish I wouldn’t wake up in the morning”. Triggering event is reportedly seeing her boyfriend with another girl at school. The parents report that Naomi is an excellent student and always has been a happy child. During her adolescence, she reportedly became moody and irritable, with fits of rage when she doesn’t get her way. When she was 15, Naomi apparently told her best friend that she planned on overdosing on her father’s pain pills, but the best friend told Naomi’s parents and this was intercepted. The incident at that time was also over rejection by a boy at school. Currently, Naomi is an excellent student, has no physical ailments, denies substance use and shows no signs of psychosis or mania. Mother tells you that Naomi sleeps a lot, sometimes 12 hours on the weekends, eats very little at dinner, and has gotten quite thin. Father is worried about his daughter as she is not the same little girl that adored him. Both parents are fearful that Naomi will harm herself. In session Naomi appears annoyed and denies intent to harm herself. She tells you, “I’m fine. Everyone is over-reacting. My parents just need to chill. They’re smothering me with their ridiculous worry.”
Family history reveals suicide attempts by Naomi’s mother when she herself was an adolescent due to chronic abuse by her alcoholic father. Mother denies suicidal ideation at present, and is on antidepressant and antianxiety medications. She does reveal that her paternal grandfather was an alcoholic who “killed himself’ when his wife left him. Naomi’s father is a police officer, currently on disability. He suffers from chronic back pain, and is prescribed narcotics for pain management. Both parents are adamant that their medications are safely kept and that Naomi has no access them.

3rd paper: 

Using the above Assessment tool, please evaluate the following vignette for suspicion of elder abuse.  You are required to reference your work in APA format.

Fill out the form, describing what you see in the vignette that supports your assessment responses. You may add additional information at the end of the form to clarify your responses.

After you fill out the form, write a paper discussing your assessment and decision making, possible interventions and prevention strategies that you might use in this vignette.  Justify your decisions and actions by using and referencing the course text and ethics code.  All work must be written in graduate level English in APA format.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages plus a title and reference page.

Teresa is an 80-year old woman who you are seeing in an intake counseling session. You notice she appears disheveled and markedly thin. She came to see you to help her with sudden depression, hopelessness and feeling that life has lost meaning.  She describes herself as a happy and content woman, who has enjoyed life until recently.  Her husband died last year, and due to declining health, Teresa has moved in with her daughter and son-in-law about 8 months ago.  She tells you that her daughter is often too busy to make her lunch, or take her shopping for new clothes or personal items. Quite often the daughter and son-in-law go out for dinner not leaving Teresa anything to eat. Teresa is embarrassed and hurt that her daughter is treating her like this but doesn’t want to make a fuss. 


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