Court Case.

These include the forensic psychology of juvenile offending, various types of crime including (but not limited to) hate crimes, school violence, stalking and sex crimes, and victimology.  Select TWO court cases that are related to TWO (or more) of these topics.
•    Summarize the cases: Include a brief summary of the cases, including information about the crime committed, the accused individual (s) and the outcomes.
•    Discuss the forensic psychology involved related to at least TWO of the following: juvenile offending, various types of crime including (but not limited to) hate crimes, school violence, stalking and sex crimes, and victimology.
•    Discuss the psychology of both the accused and the victim.
•    Discuss whether or not you believe the cases would have different outcomes if aspects of the case had been handled differently.  Explain in detail with specific examples.
•    Support your viewpoints with a) at least one scholarly source and b) information from at least one other relevant case.
•    Include some multimedia relevant to your case such as a video, pictures, and/or outside link.

The written project will consist of a paper that is at least 5 full pages. The paper must be double spaced with size 12 Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins on all sides. You will need a title page, body (at least 5 full pages), and reference section all in APA style. Please use complete sentences, appropriate grammar, spelling, and a minimum of one scholarly source in addition to your textbook. You will also be required to use in-text citations in your work in accordance with APA style to avoid plagiarism. Information to help with your writing is provided under the APA resources section of the course information tab 

Court Case

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