Scenario 1: Customers arrive according to a uniform distribution of unif(10,20) minutes. A single stylist works on a customer for unif(15,30) minutes. Run the model for an initial 10 replications. Figure out how many replications are needed so that the standard deviation of the average wait time in the queue is 10% of the mean. Run the simulation for that number of replications to get the average wait time in the queue.

Scenario 2: This is the same as Scenario 1, but the shop has an opportunity to hire a new stylist who works unif(10,25) minutes.

Compare the two scenarios to see which, if any, statistically significantly reduces the wait time in the queue (i.e., reject the null hypothesis). Use the Flexsim Experimenter.

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Include Experimenter screen shots in a Word file along with your answer about statistical significance. Also, in the Word file, show how you determined the number of replications.

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