Create a Request for Proposals. Create a Request For Proposal Scenario You may use this Procurement Management Plan Scenario.

In this scenario the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through the Governor’s Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management & Efficiency (GO-TIME) seeks to create a pilot Continuous Process Improvement program to be used throughout the enterprise. The goal of the program is to create a method for commonwealth employees to use that focuses on collaboration, partnerships and continuous improvement to help make a government that works better for Pennsylvanians.

The commonwealth recognizes there are many government services online, such as filing taxes and registering a vehicle.  However, inefficient processes still exist which are cumbersome to employees, result in valuable data being locked away in filing cabinets, and provide less than optimal services to citizens. While the Commonwealth is constantly striving to meet the demand for services and improve the quality of interactions with the public, it does so in an environment of limited resources. By adopting more modern processes, it is expected that a system can be created to improve services to citizens, increase employee efficiency, and create a culture of Continuous Process Improvement (CPI).

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Many states have incorporated CPI methodologies into their daily operations to identify, reduce and eliminate the non-value added tasks that lead to inefficient processes. By implementing a commonwealth-wide CPI program, to build capacity within the agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction to successfully implement CPI initiatives, there will be a change in the culture of state government to deliver increased efficiency and higher quality services.

The commonwealth has identified the following objectives for this proposed program:

  1. General.  The Office of Administration’s (OA) GO-TIME office is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to provide training and implementation support with documentation for an enterprise CPI program.
  2. Specific.  The selected Contractor shall:

1.Develop a program framework to create a Center of Excellence.

2. Develop and conduct employee training and certification programs

3.Assist with the implementation of process improvements in partnership with GO-TIME and select agency Champions

1)                  utilize Lean Six Sigma (LSS) tools (Kaizen events)

2)                   provide best practices to ensure value is delivered by the Office.

Create a Request for Proposals

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