Cultural Immersion Paper and Cultural Identity Presentation.

Assignment 1: Cultural Identity Presentation

Instructions in the Attached Files:

Assignment 2: Cultural Immersion Paper

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Instructions in the Attached Files:

Assignment Instructions

Cultural Immersion Paper:  Use textbooks, class materials, outside sources, and use APA format (Note: first person expression is expected).  Reflect on your experiences and your prior preconceived ideas.  Which of those preconceived ideas are now open to re-interpretation and why?  What have you learned about yourself and “them” now that the immersion is over?  Take what you have learned about this group and yourself and apply it in a counseling context.  Assume you have a client from this group and discuss each of the following:

  • Use the insights you gained into your preconceived ideas of this group to identify ways you will cope with your internal dialogue about clients from this group.  Have your biases shifted, and how will you keep your internalized biases at bay?
  • What are some likely counseling issues you might expect from this group and why?
  • What approaches (counseling and systemic) will you use and why?
  • What are the ethical and legal issues inherent in counseling a client from this group?
  • What will you do now to be ready to meet this future client?
  • What did you learn in this experience that you will use with future multicultural/diverse clients?
  • Write 8-10 pages; Graded; 100 pts, APA and outside resources required
  • If you are a non-counseling major, instead of applying your experience to the “counseling” area, please apply it to your area of education (i.e. teacher, administrator, etc..)
  • Also, place your Cultural Immersion papers in the Discussion Board if you wish to share with your classmates. 

Cultural Immersion Paper and Cultural Identity Presentation

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