“Customer Evaluations” Please respond to the following:.

“Customer Evaluations” Please respond to the following:

  • Yelp and Facebook are among the many growing social media sites allowing customers to give feedback about products, services, and experiences. This method allows for a passive approach to a problem or bad experience. For example, if someone had to wait 10 minutes in line for a latte, there may be no way for the barista to know this person waited this long or is disgruntled by the long wait. Design a process in which a small business can ensure customers are satisfied so that they do not quickly take a passive approach to merely complain to a large audience without first making someone at the business aware that a problem exists.
  • We see surveys on all kinds of store receipts allowing consumers to give feedback in exchange for being entered into a drawing for a prize. Evaluate the purpose and usefulness of these surveys. Consider all stakeholders in your answer.

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“Customer Evaluations” Please respond to the following:

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