Cut through layers of bureaucracy.

 Deliverable Length: 1,000–1,200 words APA Style 

Part I

You are planning to expand your fast-food hamburger franchise internationally and have decided to open in the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Mexico and China. Knowing that all of these countries and its people have different cultures, customs, beliefs, values and attitudes that are unique to their country and different from that of the United States, consider how this would impact your fast-food business.  What are some of the considerations to keep in mind concerning how these different social and religious  values and cultures have on food preparation and eating, the social behaviors to be sensitive to regarding employees and customers, the type of trainings that will be required, the work attitudes and behaviors, and any ethical standards that you may need to develop? Are the attitudes in these countries individualistic or collective?

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Part II

If you were to send your top managers to these countries, what type of cultural shock should they expect? How would you help them alleviate this stress? Provide a few examples from each country.

Part III

In many countries, “expeditors” can help you cut through layers of bureaucracy so that you can get your business done or done faster. Expeditors are normally paid for what they do, and they may ask you to help finance other expeditors within these countries that will help move your business request through the system faster. The methods that are being used could ultimately be unethical, illegal, or maybe not at all.

  • How would you go about making sure the practice of an expeditor is legal?
  • Would you approve a paid transaction requested by an expeditor if it was acceptable in the country, but unethical back in the United States? (defend your position) What business ethics are involved in your decision making process?
  • What factors should you consider and who should you consult with and why?

Cut through layers of bureaucracy

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