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The three business goals for the data warehouse in the case study are:
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Order Paper Now- Improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction)
- Improving the health of populations
- Reducing the per person cost of healthcare
The case study concentrates on the advantages and disadvantages of different architectures for data warehouses. In addition to architecture, the data analyst must also determine what data to capture in the data warehouse to achieve the business goals. For example, one way to improve the patient experience (the first business goal) could be to reduce waits times for appointments. In order to understand what causes wait times, data about the scheduled start time, actual start time, scheduled end time, actual end time, availability of the doctor, and reason for the appointment would have to be analyzed in the data warehouse. Other ways to improve the patient experience could include: getting the diagnosis right the first time, knowing the cost upfront, avoiding second appointments with specialists, providing supplemental information for patients to read at home, etc. Each of those improvements would require different types of data in the data warehouse.
Your assignment is to specify at least one improvement for each of the three business goals above. For the improvement you identify, indicate what specific data would have to be stored in the data warehouse to analyze ways to achieve that improvement. Also specify how that data would be obtained.
Include at least one paragraph for each of the three business goals above.
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