debate summary.

I have a new assignment and not sure if you are interested it. It is about a “Debate summary”. the topic is “It is possible for China to continue its cooperation with the West, as it has been for the past decades.  (China can rise peacefully)” . As Pro, we believe that China can rise peacefully.  In the  “DEBATE POINT TeamD Midterm Debate.doc”  , it contains the points of cons and pros. We need to summary it  and expand it by using reference on Reading Guide.doc. In brief, we need to write an essay to support our debate viewpoint that “It is possible for China to continue its cooperation with the West, as it has been for the past decades. (China can rise peacefully)”  according to the DEBATE POINT TeamD Midterm Debate.doc and also we needto find citation to support our debate viewpoint from references at Reading Guide.doc.,   

1. summary writing according to DEBATE POINT TeamD Midterm Debate.doc,  to prove China can rise peacefully (using related references), double space,  5 pages   MLA formatting style

2.summary of PRO points of view, and possible Cons view.   Single space, 1 page   MLA formatting style

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