Deliverable 2 – Design a Research Strategy in Order to Answer a Research Question.


Design a research strategy in order to answer a research question.


You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to design a research strategy for a research question and write the Methods section of a research paper.

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In a paper for your professor, create a methods section for a research study:

  • State the research question and explain what your research strategy will be for answering that question. Will you follow quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method strategy? Explain why you chose the strategy. If possible, use research to justify your choice.
  • Detail the steps you will need to follow in your strategy and what you will need to consider.
  • Explain your plan for collecting data:
    • What type(s) of data will you collect and how much?
    • Where will you get your data from?
    • How will you analyze and interpret the data?


For writing assistance, please visit the Rasmussen College Writing Guide.

For help with APA, visit the Rasmussen College APA Guide.

For information on research methods, the following books are good resources:

C Adams, J., Raeside, R., & Khan, H. A. (2014). Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students. New Delhi: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd. Link to book.

Adams, J., Raeside, R., & Khan, H. A. (2014). Research Methods for Business and Social Science Students. New Delhi: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd. Link to book.

Grading Rubric











Did not Submit

No Pass




Not Submitted

Insufficient explanation of research methodology, strategy, and purpose for the selected research question.
Missing one or more of the above elements.

Basic explanation of research methodology, strategy, and purpose for the selected research question.
Incorporated some research to justify these choices.

Thoughtful explanation of research methodology, strategy, and purpose for the selected research question.
Incorporated moderate research to justify these choices.

Clear and thorough explanation of research methodology, strategy, and purpose for the selected research question.
Incorporated substantial research to justify these choices.

Not Submitted

No identification of the steps needed to follow this strategy nor considerations.

Basic identification of the steps needed to follow this strategy and considerations.

Thoughtful identification of the steps needed to follow this strategy and considerations.

Clear and thorough identification of the steps needed to follow this strategy and considerations.

Not Submitted

No explanation of the following data collection elements:
Basic explanation of each of the following data collection elements:

  • data types
  • data source(s)
  • data analysis and interpretation plan

Missing one or more of these elements.

Basic explanation of each of the following data collection elements:

  • data types
  • data source(s)
  • data analysis and interpretation plan

Thoughtful explanation of each of the following data collection elements:

  • data types
  • data source(s)
  • data analysis and interpretation plan

Clear and thorough explanation of each of the following data collection elements:

  • data types
  • data source(s)
  • data analysis and interpretation plan

Not Submitted

Major errors or omissions in APA formatting.

Minor errors or omissions in APA formatting.

Minimal errors or omissions in APA formatting.

No errors or omissions in APA formatting.

Not Submitted

Spelling and grammar errors are numerous.

Spelling and grammar errors are evident but infrequent. May distract reader from the message.

Spelling and grammar errors are rare and do not distract the reader from the messages.

No spelling nor grammar errors.

Deliverable 2 – Design a Research Strategy in Order to Answer a Research Question

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