Deliverable 7 – Cross-Platform Digital Marketing Plan.


  • Evaluate the role digital marketing plays in overall marketing strategy.
  • Interpret how to plan and execute search engine related marketing strategy.
  • Compare how different social media channels contribute to meeting marketing objectives.
  • Examine mobile and email marketing methodology.
  • Outline a cross-platform digital marketing plan that provides value and promotes engagement.
  • Classify data analytics and reporting methods for tracking digital marketing engagement.

Scenario Information

Your agency administrator has tasked you with creating a cross-platform digital marketing plan that the Costa’s Customs can implement. You have been asked to summarize your knowledge of digital marketing and understanding of Costa’s clothing market in a slide presentation for the executive team which includes five other directors and the CEO. You were reminded to include details of how each digital marketing method will positively impact the company’s goals of growing sales and increasing brand awareness.

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You have been asked to create a PowerPoint slide presentation to be presented to the executive team that touches on all digital marketing methods from modules 02, 03, and 04 that you previously analyzed. These choices will need to be supported and justified by both your understanding of the impact digital marketing should have and the results from your data analysis in module 06. You will also need to actively fill out a digital marketing plan that you learned how to create in module 05.

Although you won’t actually be presenting, you should include detailed notes in the notes section for each slide that could serve as a transcript. Remember your audience when creating your presentation and include the following slides:

  • Title slide
  • Supply a more detailed and in-depth situation analysis than simply copying what is in the company background document.
    • List and define Costa’s customer personas.
    • Discuss company’s online competitors.
    • Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the company’s position.
    • Talk about various collaborations the company can engage in to grow its business.
    • Describe the business climate Costa’s operates in.
  • Demonstrate the role digital marketing should have on both sales and brand development. (module 01)
  • Provide examples of how the company can build their brand via digital channels and support your recommendations with your rationale.
  • Give examples of digital strategies used to sell Costa’s fashion line of clothing online and support your recommendations with your rationale.
  • Create a conclusion slide that includes a summary of why your digital marketing plan should be implemented by the executive team and how it will be measured to ensure it is successful.

Deliverable 7 – Cross-Platform Digital Marketing Plan

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