Development and Refinement of Research Problem and Research Questions. Development and Refinement of Research Problem and Research Questions

Make sure to include your research question as a preface to your response so that the readers can connect your responses with the intent of your research.

Also note that your responses below are an exercise designed to get you going in the right direction for the construction of your methods chapter. You will need to wordsmith and refine your responses to this case assignment so that you present a coherent narrative

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Guiding Questions for the Development of Chapter Three—Methods Your response(s)

Total word count for this material should be between 2000 and 2500 words.

Make sure to include a literature supported rationale for the choices you’ve made (remember, you should be using literature written by experts in the method(s) you’re selecting.

Total word count for this material should be between 2000 and 2500 words.

1.What research tradition is most appropriate for your selected method(s)? Please explain why this tradition is most appropriate.

2. Based on the selected research tradition, what specific methods will you employ? Explain your reasoning for this choice.

3. What is the population for your proposed research? (Describe your specific population, citing at least three characteristics.) How many people are in this population (you may offer an approximation).

4. Based on your population and conventions found in the literature, what is the appropriate sample size for your research? Please justify your sample size and utilize citations.

5. What is the sampling procedure you will use? (Rationale and citations required.)

6. What permissions must you obtain in writing before your research is conducted (esp. for research within your organization or an organization)? If you do NOT need permissions, please explain why.

7. What instruments will be used in your research? (Please include the instrument for gathering data – e.g. survey, interview protocol, other)

8. Specifically, how will you ensure trustworthiness & credibility (Qual)? This response requires a practical discussion supported by literature, NOT a theoretical discussion.

Assignment Expectations

Students present comprehensive answers inserted in the table provided, addressing the topics found in Chapter Three. Practical discussions should be supported by literature. (Not acceptable to simply share a theoretical discussion.)

Development and Refinement of Research Problem and Research Questions

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