Discussion 1: You’re the Editor. The APA Publication Manual is an essential reference guide for all students and practitioners in the social and behavioral sciences. The purpose of this Discussion is to assist you in becoming familiar with and applying key parts of the manual. For this Discussion, you will play the role of an editor who must provide feedback to the writer, identifying and correcting flaws in the writer’s use of citations, quotes, and references. How would you make the writer’s work reflect the language of the profession?

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • View the video APA Citations Part I: The Methods to the Madness, and read the Study Notes from the Learning Resources.
  • Become familiar with the APA Publication Manual; review Chapter 6, “Crediting Sources,” and Chapter 7, “Reference Examples,” and note their contents and the variety of topics covered.
  • Review the “Assignment Sheet: Social Change” document (located in this week’s Learning Resources area) for an excerpt that includes quotes, paraphrased information, and reference information without format.
  • Review the Course Announcement from your Instructor about the peer-review process, and note the colleagues that you have been paired with.

With these thoughts in mind:

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Complete the following steps by Day 3:

Step 1: Select one paragraph from the Social Change excerpt to edit. This document is found in the Learning Resources.
Step 2: Referring to Chapter 6 of the APA Publication Manual, revise the paragraph in correct APA format, rewriting the citations, quotations, and references as necessary. Use the references listed for your paragraph number as your citation sources.
Step 3: For this Discussion, the references for each paragraph are listed in the Social Change excerpt. These references are not in correct APA format. Using the information from Chapter 7 of the APA Publication Manual, put the references for your paragraph in correct APA format.
Step 4: Post your edited paragraph and references to the Discussion 1 board.

By Day 5: Review your paired colleague’s post. Provide constructive feedback to help improve any aspect of his or her APA format editing. Post your feedback to your colleague’s work in the same Discussion thread. Remember to be professional in your communications and when providing feedback. Learning APA format is difficult; you are not expected to catch everything the first time!

Discussion 1: You’re the Editor

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