Discussion 2.

Read Chapter 3 (Schoeder, R.G., Goldstein, S.M., & Rungtusanatham, M.J. (2013). Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases (6th Ed). McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, NY ISBN: 978-0-07-352524-2) and create a Microsoft Word document with your responses to the following questions. Submit via this assignment via the Moodle assignment link.
Q5: How can the modular design concept control production variety and at the same time allow product variety?
Q7: What form does the product specification take for the following firms:

  1. a travel agency
  2. a beer company
  3. a consulting firm

Q8: Perform a value analysis on the following items:

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  1. a stapler
  2. a mouse for computer operation
  3. a desk for use by students for studying

Q13: A student would like to design a backpack for student books and supplies. The CAs are a (1) comfortable backpack that is (2) durable with (3) enough room and (4) not too heavy to carry. Think of some ECs that can be used to measure these customer attributes. Then construct a QFD matrix showing the positive and negative relationships that you expect to see in this case.

Q15: Suppose a car you want to buy has five choices for interior colors, three types of radios, three engine choices, two battery types (regular and heavy duty), 10 exterior colors, two transmission choices, and four types of wheel covers. How many possible combinations of the car are possible for the manufacturer? What can be done to limit the number of combinations without limiting customer choice?

Read Chapter 4 and create a Microsoft Word document with your responses to the following questions. Submit via this assignment the Moodle link.

Q1: Classify the following types of processes as continuous, assembly line, batch, job shop, or project:

  • doctor’s office
  • automatic car wash
  • college curriculum
  • studying for an exam
  • registration for classes
  • electric utility

Q3: The rate of productivity improvement in the service industries has been much lower than in manufacturing. Can this be attributed to process selection decisions? What problems would be involved in using more efficient processes in service industries?
Q10: What are the strategies of the following organizations? Is the strategy defined in terms of product or process or both?

  • McDonald’s
  • AT&T Telephone Co.
  • General Motors
  • Harvard Business School

Q13: Give an example of mass customization not discussed in the chapter.
Q15: What is the difference between economies of scale and economies of scope? How do firms consider these when investing in processes?

Discussion 2

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