Discussion Board.

300 words

Thanks to the analysis conducted in the previous unit, the system integrators are now ready to perform the responsibility of assembling the subsystems and components. Before the integrators can proceed with the component integration, they must reduce all risks related to the integration. Therefore, the next step of integration, known as logical and physical design, will allow the integrators to decide how the components should be integrated so that the entire system can function as a complete entity. Thus, this entire design will be a combination of subsystems, which, when integrated, can operate as an entire functioning system. In this week’s Discussion Board please discuss at least 3 of the following topics as related to your current project:

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  • Discuss some of the elements you may find for your system integration solution related to both a high-level and detailed design. Research this and share existing research that may provide design details and considerations for this area.
  • Identify the types of data your target system will require from your source system needed to complete the integration activity.
  • How will you connect to your target system, and what are some of the security concerns you may encounter when attempting to integrate and connect your target system?
  • What are some of the quality assurance tools and test strategies that are usually implemented to make sure the software or system meets user needs and expectations?

Discussion Board

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