Discussion board ( please respond to student post). Brand equity consists of “three types of brand assets—brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand associations “(Moorman, D. 2017, pg 162). Brand equity could be positive or negative for a company depending on the products or services it provides to a specific industry. I believe that an example of the value is NIKE organization whose brand equity has led to them being widely known and preferred by consumers. Also, it has increased its sales, revenues, and stock price. As for the consumers, I believe brand equity provides value to them in terms of a reputable product, quality, excitement, security, and a sense of loyalty to the brand.

Brand equity cannot exist without the company and the consumers, both must coexist to be successful. It is built up after years of hard work by faithful employees and management making as few mistakes as possible along the way to building a reputation or image that stands on its own against the competition

Discussion board ( please respond to student post)

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